Some Thoughts On The Current Situation
When I consider the ongoing alarming situation with the Coronavirus, I can’t help but wonder how it feels for different people. Despite the many characteristics we share as human beings, the common needs and desires, the similar story arcs that unfold during one lifetime (birth, school, marriage, career, death), each of us is unique. We are composed of countless little details that add up to create a perfectly unique modality of apperception. And yet, despite this offer by the universe to actualize our uniqueness by exploring and nurturing it so that we each become, in time, a true individual, many of us instead go with the herd and join together with groupthink and mass-mindedness. We completely relinquish our birthright of perfect individualism (itself a misunderstood concept, especially in America) and sheepishly accept the tyranny of rulership by mob mentality. This is truest (ironically) in people who see rugged individualism as the be-all and end-all of a successful life.
How a person interacts with the reality of the Coronavirus, its rapid spread and its devastating impact on the lives of those most closely associated with it depends entirely upon the level of available consciousness. Most people assume that so long as we are awake, talking, walking, eating, working, singing karaoke at birthday parties, having children, attending funerals, crying, laughing, and feeling angry that we are, in fact, in possession of consciousness. But I do believe that robots can also engage in a variety of activities and even express emotions without possessing any conscious awareness of the fact, for example, that another person switches them on and off each day like a lamp.
People who wake up in the morning and immediately turn the TV on, or grab their phone and start madly scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, and other mind-numbing apps are not conscious even though they are capable of making breakfast for the kids, going to work, and conducting long conversations with their friends on the phone or via text message. Also, for people who are egotistically attached to ideas about their level of conscious awareness (how many people privilege humility these days?), becoming more conscious is a bit of a hurdle since the first requirement for becoming more conscious is an ability to notice how unconsciously one is living one’s life. Noticing that fact — noticing the extent to which we are ruled by our habits, our ingrained belief systems, and by what the media is telling us about reality — that is usually the first step to becoming conscious, to stepping away from a robotic mass-mindedness that causes us to equate sleepwalking with living.
It may seem odd that I am talking about consciousness within the context of a worldwide pandemic that has many people terrified, but I believe the response we muster as a species now will have a deep-seated and longterm impact upon our lives and the rather unattractive saga of human beings on planet earth. I’m sure storytellers will agree that there is a great need for a major alteration in the genre, which has, until now, been horror. The level of consciousness we each bring to bear is the only saving grace we can offer to a world that has been more or less riddled with blood, murder, and mayhem. Becoming more conscious is the only worthy gift we can offer to the world now since it is the only thing that will extricate our entire species from the mud of backward ignorance. I call our species backward and ignorant because I believe that only psychological hillbillies would permit themselves to speak of exceptionalism when millions of children starve to death around the world each year. Only deeply retarded psychospiritual morons would callously allow themselves the glory of elaborate and richly ordained award ceremonies while their taxes fund more and more precise weapons of mass destruction every year. Only significantly underdeveloped comprehensive fools would enjoy cocktail parties and expensive high-rise apartments in fancy parts of town while women, girls, marginalized peoples, and animals are murdered, enslaved, and forced to live out unimaginably painful and traumatic lives. There are even countless so-called normal people living so-called normal lives in a middle-class sort of way unaware that they too, and yes, even their children, with their sweet innocent ambitions (and parents who are so proud!) are essentially cogs in a mighty machine of backwardness and ignorance that churns out death, corruption, and a generalized banal sort of evil all the day long.
As the Coronavirus spreads across planet earth, different people are reacting in different ways, each according to the strength of their character. Character and consciousness are synonyms. If you are a sleepwalker who exudes fear and competition, if you consume fear through your chosen media apparatus all day and regurgitate (nay, vomit) that chewed cud back onto the world you are a person of low character since you refuse to exert yourself enough to grow out of your self-indulgent ways to add beauty and love and harmony to the world instead of fear and competition. All across the world, but, I suspect, especially in America, many wake up each day and allow the corporate-funded media to dictate terms to them. The World Health Organization recently advised individuals not to look at the news more than once or twice a day because they recognize the devastating negative impact the news exerts upon human consciousness. This is why I believe the most radically loving thing anyone can do right now is to turn their backs on the media, including the incredibly dark shallow world of social media.
Our world needs a revolution and a major cleansing. This current phenomenon is emanating from the farthest reaches of the collective unconscious. It is an effort by our higher selves to save our species from the darkness and despair of mass-unconsciousness. Our old ways, our old religions, our old patriarchal rules, our old dumb ways of enslaving, murdering, and dominating one another, all these idiotic psychological hillbilly ways of ours must go. And the only way this can be accomplished is if every person expands consciousness beyond the confines of a Mickey Mouse reality in which the ability to go shopping remains both the highest priority and the highest expression of success.
Only we can rid ourselves of our dumbness, our shallowness, our self-indulgence — no one can do it for us. But the very first step is to claim the insidious dumbness as our own and resolving to change. The second step is to turn off the phone, the computer, and the TV. Believe it or not, walking aimlessly around your neighborhood and perhaps visiting a library are terrific ways to get started on a new path of serious awareness. You can do yoga, start meditating, read books, and take baths. Yes, at the moment you are stuck at home, but there are many books online, there are free college courses online, and there are free yoga and meditation classes online. The key is to reject the tyranny of the media whose sole objective is to hypnotize us into living as sleepwalking zombies who think they are awake but who are being entirely controlled by corporate monsters. These “masters of mankind,” as Noam Chomsky calls them, need us all to remain obedient lifelong consumers of their poisonous products, products that naturally now include the healthcare needed to respond to the inevitable results from ingesting poison.
Virtually every aspect of our lives as we live them now is a lie. Because every step we take in the direction of our happiness and success is paid for by the misery of some other living creature. To me, this is the definition of being intellectually retarded and morally defunct. Anyone who feels it fair to pay for their happiness with the misery of others is psychologically and spiritually retarded. And the planet is crawling with such people. Our habits, our religions, our consumerist ways, our definitions of success, our precious freedoms are all paid for by the misery of countless other beings and this makes us all culprits in a global system of murder, greed, and ignorance that nothing will save us from except more consciousness. When we can finally generate enough moral fortitude and character, we will be able to refuse the tyranny of corporate-funded media domination along with its definitions of what it means to be a successful individual. We will be able to see that willingly living with less so that everyone can have enough is the real definition of success. We will realize that having way too much today at the expense of unseen others is not the definition of success but the definition of blind greed and downright evil. It is therefore very interesting to note that the Coronavirus is attacking the very behaviors touted as the definition of success: shopping and consuming — one plague destroys another.
This event, this cataclysmic event is not happening so that we can all shrink into fearful little pigs busy drinking beer, eating pizza, and binge-watching mass-idiocy online. It is happening so that we can wake up with a sense of shame and disgust and start putting our global house in order. For too long Americans have wiled away the days in states of total psychological inertia watching helplessly as corporations and governments and politicians and globalist imperialists eat and eat and eat away at their livers like great mythical beasts. How is it possible that over three-hundred million people can just sit there and allow their rights and their money and their dignity to be stripped away from them? One word: TV. In the eighties, “Kill Your TV” was a slogan worn on t-shirts by rebels and underground misfits. Even though today the TV has become the Internet and the smartphone, the general concept is the same. The media we consume is vicious and its sole ambition is to keep us hypnotized in this state of psychological and emotional inertia so that we can be robbed and raped and vandalized by corporations and never have the energy nor the motivation nor the strength to resist or fight back. The very idea of resistance has been turned by the media into a leftist communist trope so that half the nation believes the other half are enemies of the state without ever realizing that that very idea was planted in their minds by the media they consume all day.
Enough. It’s enough now. Enough of the bullshit, seriously. Each one of us must wake up now, that is all there is to it. And this Coronavirus event has occurred to force us all into a mass reckoning: we are nothing but a nation of morons since we let shallow vacuous nineteen year olds to “influence” us. So, we can continue to live as greedy pigs or we can grow out of our stupidity into states of consciousness where personal character, morality, and fairness are more important to us than money, power, shoes, and diamonds. And the way the cookie crumbles hangs in the balance. If you have children, especially, you are being asked to seriously consider where you are getting your definitions of success from and what you are teaching your kids. All the definitions of success (academic, financial, religious, etc.) we currently have are given to us by evil greedy imperialist misogynist men of the past. So ask yourself if you do indeed love your children or if you are too lazy to grow into enough consciousness to share truth and love and beauty with your children instead of all the illusory crap you have unquestioningly swallowed.
Each of us is a creator and a translator. We take in information and we exude information out. We are like trees only instead of taking in toxic bullshit and transforming it into love, we take in bullshit and magnify it by a thousand and spray it across the planet through our social media feeds. Posting little stupid inanities about love and peace and quotes by famous gurus — that is no different, incidentally, since it exhibits mass-mindedness. It would be far better for the love and light people to crawl into a cave and meditate for a few years — silently — than to post little guru quotes on Instagram. It would be more useful to the world. In this way, each person needs to examine their corporate-designed day to day habits, their corporate-funded ideas, their corporate-created living rooms and kitchens to see just how much of life has been dictated to us by the TV. Discovering that we are living every aspect of our lives according to the directives of a shallow, rinky-dink Mickey Mouse consciousness is the first step to liberation.
The Coronavirus pandemic, too, is a brilliant, high-ratings, smash hit TV show that is perfectly designed to keep us in fear so we cannot influence the outcomes in positive ways. Lord only knows how much money and power will change hands by the time this is over. Lord only knows how many people will suffer economically and how many will give their lives. Nothing is more important now than deeper and truer levels of consciousness. To be a sleepwalker in a holographic world, being psychospiritually manipulated and exploited by corporate systems of evil is the most dangerous thing anyone can do right now. Rejecting mass-mindedness and cultivating genuine levels of liberated conscious awareness has never been more crucial.
I hope I have made myself clear. The rest is up to you.